Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Carbonara- Traditional Recipe

This is what we did with the homemade pasta shown in the previous post.
This authentic recipe is like a drug, you will never want the ham and cream version you usually have. It's not my recipe, it's ...uhmmm....well...Italian.

It's honestly the best pasta EVER for me and being a huge pasta lover it is a big deal!

You use pancetta ( i replaced it with copa di parma, could not find pancetta), garlic, you add the all dente pasta, you mix the eggs with some parmesan and salt, lower the heat to a minimum and add the eggs (do not cook them), remove from the heat, add some more cheese and be amazed. Not too heavy, you will not get sick as it happened to me after eating a really creamy carbonara in restaurants.

The second photo is one with added parmesan. If you're really greedy. 

Carbonara- Reteta traditionala

Mai jos este ce am facut cu pastele facute in casa, aratate in postul precedent.
Aceasta reteta autentica este ca un drog, nu o sa mai vreti niciodata varianta grea si satioasa cu sunca si smantana, pe care o gasim in restaurante sau la catering. Nu este reteta mea, evident, este a italienilor. 
Sincer, este de departe reteta mea preferata, si fiind un mare fan al retetelor cu paste, este un lucru mare!  Se foloseste pancetta (am inlocuit-o cu copa di parma, nu am gasit pancetta, copa di parma se gaseste cam mereu in Auchan), apoi usturoi, adaugi pastele fierte al dente. Separat, intr-un bol, se amesteca ouale cu parmezan si sare, se lasa focul mai mic si se adauga in tigaie si ouale, cu grija sa nu se faca omleta,  apoi se ia de pe foc  si se mai adauga parmezan. 

Nu e grea, nu ti se face rau cum mi se mai intampla mie de la carbonara smantanoasa pe care o pot comanda de obicei.

Please do try it!

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