Monday, March 25, 2013

Chicken Legs with Onions and Bacon

This is a worderful recipe because it is simple and everybody loves it. The chicken legs are roasted, they are really tender and the onions and bacon make it a full dinner.

For the chicken legs you will need 1 chopped hot pepper  + the juice from 1 grapefruit + olive oil + salt + pepper + rosemary. Put the mixture on top of the chicken, massage the chicken to let all the flovours in and let it rest like this for 15 minutes.

Then, transfer everything in an oven tray and put it in the heated oven.

For the side dish I used some tiny red onions, used as seeds during this time.  They are amazing because they cook fast and are not as strong as the usual onions. Fisrtly, I chopped some bacon, fried it and then removed it from the pan. In the bacon juice I fried the onions. They turned out really tender and moist and the bacon I just couldn't refuse.

You can serve the dish alongside a fresh, green salad. (salad, radishes, spring onion).

Hope you enjoyed this and I hope you try it. If you see these onions at the farmer's market, buy them!

Copanele cu ceapa si bacon
Asta e o reteta buna pentru ca e simpla si tutror le place. Copanelele sunt coapte in cuptor, sunt foarte fragede, iar ceapa si baconul le intregesc perfect. Pentru carne am folosit 1 ardei iute tocat + sucul de la 1 grapefruit + ulei de masline +  sare + piper + rozmarin. Masati puiul cu amestecul de mai sus pentru a permite  tuturor aromelor sa se imprime pe pui si lasati-l sa se mai odihneasca 15 minute. Apoi, transferati totul intr- tava de cuptor si bagati-o in cuptorul incalzit. Pentru garnitura, am folosit niste arpagic rosu. E fantastic arpagicul asta, se gateste repede si nu e asa de puternic ca ceapa. Mai intai, am prajit niste bacon cunulete, apoi l-am luta din tigaie. In sucul lasat de bacon am prajit arpagicul, a iesit asa de fraged, se topeste in gura, iar la bacon nu rezist niciodata. Puteti servi alaturi de o salata verde si proaspata, pentru a balansa caloriile: salata + ridichi + ceapa verde.

See you later!

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