Thursday, March 21, 2013

Paccheri Pasta with Broccoli and Anchovy Garlic Sauce

A perfect light dinner!

First of all, the paccheri pasta are very impressive, they make the dish special. They are similar to the calamarata type, large, tube shaped pasta.

So, we took a break from pasta homemaking and decided to keep this simple an full of flavour.

For the sauce you just have to saute the olive oil and garlic (do not burn the garlic), then add the anchovies and they will break into pieces as you stir. One might say they even melt. :) Add salt if necessary.

Paccheri pasta + boiled and seasoned broccoli + sauce + parmesan/ lemon juice = you're done

You can serve it with parmesan, but we also tried it with lemon only and liked it better.

Paste Pachheri cu broccoli si sos de ansoa si usturoi
Cina light perfecta! In primul rand, pastele paccheri sunt foarte impresionante si fac aceasta reteta foarte speciala. Sunt similare cu calamarata, paste foarte mari cu forma de tub. Deci, am luat o pauza de la paste facute in casa si am decis sa facem un fel simplu si plin de savoare. Pentru sos, trebuie sa caliti putin usturoiul in ulei de masline, fara sa il aredtei, apoi adaugati ansoa care se va farama in timp ce amestecati. Putem spune chiar ca se topeste. :) adaugati sare doar daca mai e necesar. Paste paccheri + broccoli fiert si asezonat + sos + parmezan/ suc lamaie = Gata! De fapt, ne-a placut mai mult cu lamaie decat cu parmezan.


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