Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Calamari and Mushroom Pasta recipe

For 4 servings, you will need:

200g calamari rings
200g calamari tentacles
1 glass of white wine
wild mushrooms (we used about 150 grams of shimeji)
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 green hot peppers (optionall)
2 tbs chopped parsley
1 tsp dried marjorm
olive oil

In a pot, we cooked the mushrooms for about 7-8 minutes, then added the gralic, hot pepper and the calamari pieces, cooking them for about 4-5 minutes, on high heat. After that, add the wine, marjoram and reduce it to about a quarter. Now, you can always add tomatoes to this dish, right after the wine and cook for another 10 minutes. I chose not to use tomatoes, so I added the juice of half a lemon (the wine i had was nice, mellow riesling combo, without much acidity, and it fell like the calamari needed a bit more kick), and cooked for another 6 minutes, lid on, while i also cooked my pasta in a pot with salt and olive oil. Mix your chosen pasta (we had home made tagliatelle, big surprise there) with the meat in the pot you cooked the calamari and sprinkle parsley on top (as you can see in the picture, we kinda forgot about that part).

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