Thursday, May 30, 2013

Express Post: Farmers' Market Tiny Haul

1. Red beets- for a chicken dish and for juicing. Beet is good for you :)
2. Tomatoes- for a summer salad
3. Lola Rosa Salad - for salads
4. Spring garlic- amazing at this time, the cloves are formed, but the skin on them is not yet dried. Amazing flavour, if you find it like this, definetely give it a try
5. Spring onion- again for salad, but also for sauces
6. Some bread- covered in seeds
7. New or early potatoes- the spring staple in our kitchen
8. Cucumbers- the smaller, the better, the spikier, even better. Also, look for the remainings of the flower on one end of the cucumber, that means they are fresh.
9. Avocado- not from the Market, but in the same bag and healthy
10. Strawberries-  so in right now! Bought them for a healthy snack, but with a lot of dessert recipes in mind.
11. Tarragon- found it fresh, so we are going to use it with some oven-roasted chicken
12. Parsley- we always buy parsley, that's it!
13. Lemons- again, not exactly from the Farmers' Market. For dressings and iced tea or lemonades.


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