Saturday, May 18, 2013

Summer Drink- Fresh Ginger Lemonade

It is getting pretty hot outside, so it's about time we talk about refresing summer drinks. I like to make some lemonade or ice tea, pop it in the fridge in the morning to enjoy it when we come back from work.

For a special touch, we made a ginger lemonade, that we first saw on Ligia Pop's blog. It is super fast, easy to make and it makes us forget about our Pepsi addiction for the day. No need to tell you ginger is really healthy for you, it helps with nausea, headache and high blood pressure.

In a blender you have to mix the juice from 2 small lemons, 3 tbsp of honey, 1 thumb-size piece of ginger peeled and finely sliced and 1,5 l water. Then you have to strain it to remove the ginger. Serve cold or on ice.

Amazingly refreshing! Enjoy!

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