Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tabbouleh Salad/ Tabouleh/ Tabouli

For this delicious and full of flavour salad we used:

100 g bulgur (we had medium)
3 tomatoes
2 bunches flat leaf parsley
1 bunch mint
1 onion
salt and pepper
olive oil 
lemon juice

Remove the parsley leaves from the stems and chop them finely. The same with the mint. Mix them.

Chop the onion (you can use the regular, yellow kind), sprinkle some salt on it and rub it. 

Also dice the tomatoes and add the prepared, washed and drained  bulgur in the same bowl. Mix the bulgur and the tomatoes, so that the bulgur can take on  the juice.

In a salad bowl mix the parsley and the mint with the onion and tomatoes. Add salt and pepper if necessary and drizzle olive oil and lemon juice on top. 

Mrs. G.

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