Friday, July 26, 2013

Express Post: Simple Green Bean Side Dish

I will start by saying that Mr. G. is really a little obsessed with green beans. He could have them as a stew, with or without meat, boiled in a salad, in soups and so on. Actually, I think is pretty cool considering that green beans are good for you, they are rich in beta-carotene (pretty surprising), lutein, B vitamins and antioxidants. Not to mention they are so easy to cook.

No wonder that, in the summer, using fresh green beans as a side dish becomes such an easy solution. Just boil them and season them however you like, complementing the taste of your main dish.

We served it with some Italian style meatballs that will be in the next post and we kept it simple, just drizzled some olive oil on top, salt and pepper, parsley and some thin garlic strips.


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