Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summer Drinks: Lavender Lemonade


By now we all know that lavender is the new thing. We use it in decor, in a vase, in a pot, on your walls, in perfumes, on your cookies, in your sugar, you name it. I have to admit I am on board with this trend, I love it and I can't resist it.

I made lavender cookies in the past, I loved them  although not everybody does. This is why I hesitated for so long to try and use lavender in drinks, because if the taste comes out to intense and more on the bitter side, nobody else would enjoy it but me. The only thing that made me want to try it was the secret hope that my drink will turn out pink or purple. IT DIDN'T. :(( I've seen that some people made it pink, it didn't happen to me. But the taste of the lavender syrup... it was amazing!!! Who cares about colour anymore?

In the morning, before going to work I prepared the lavender syrup:

3 tbsp lavender flowers (I used dry)
3 cups water
1/2 cup sugar

Mix all these ingredients in a sauce pan, bring to a boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes, then let it sit off the heat for 1 hour.  Remove the lavender and reserve the syrup. I let it in the fridge until I came back from work. No biggie! By this time, I was already super excited with how tasty the outcome was.

I a big jar or a pitcher, add the juice of 2-3 lemons (taste it, depending on the lemons, you still want to taste the lavender), ice and water to the top or to taste.

Of course it is refreshing, it is a lemonade, but with a twist. This is making lemonade like a boss!


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