Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Drunken Plum Cake

This is a big hit in our home and with our friends. It's just so surprising. I made it 4 times in a couple of months because everybody love it and it is simple.

I found the recipe on the Good Food site, but i couldn't find the exact link, so i will post the recipe as i wrote it on a piece of paper.

You will need:
140 g dried plums no seeds
4 tbsp amaretto (the original recipe requires marsala)
150 g butter
2 tbsp cocoa
140 g dark chocolate (70%)
100 g fine sugar
50 g muscovado sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
100 g almond powder
1 tbsp flour

The plums are heated in amretto where they will soak for an hour. Then, they are finely chopped.

Butter and flour with cocoa a cake tin and preheat the oven.

Melt the chocolate and butter in bain-marie, add the plums.

Beat 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks  with the sugar until it doubles in volume. Add  the chocolate, vanilla, almond powder, flour and cocoa. Mix them well.

Beat the other 2 egg whites and slowly add them to the mixture.

Put the final mixture in the cake tin, leave in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until you start to see cracks forming on the surface.

You can try your own versions with, let's say Port ( fancier verion of Marsala ) but I just like the almond and Amaretto combo.

Make sure you let it cool down completely. Is even better the next day. On the inside, it has an amazing fudge-like, sticky consistency.

Prajitura beata cu prune
Ce veti vedea mai jos este un mare succes la noi in casa, este pur si simplu foarte surprinzator. Deja am facut reteta de 4 ori in nici 2 luni pentru ca toata lumea o iubeste si e foarte simpla.
Am gasit reteta la un moment dat pe site-ul Good Food, dar nu am mai gasit linkul exact, asa ca o sa o scriu mai jos exact asa cum am scris-o eu pe o foaie de hartie.
Aveti nevoie de:
140 g prune uscate fara samburi
4 lg Amaretto (original Marsala)
150 g unt
2 lg cacao
140 g ciocolata neagra (70%)
100g zahar fin
50 g zahar muscovado
4 oua
1 lgita extract vanilie
100 g pudra migdale
1 lg faina
Mai intai, prunele se incalzesc in Amaretto si se lasa la inmuiat o ora. Apoi, se toaca marunt.
Ungeti o tava de tort cu unt si pudrati-o cu faina. Topiti ciocolata si untul la bain-marie, apoi adaugati prunele. Bateti 2 oua si 2 galbenusuri cu zaharul pana isi dubleaza volumul. Adaugati apoi ciocolata, vanilia, pudra de migdale, faina si cacao. Amestecati bine toate ingredientele.
Bateti si cele 2 albusuri ramase si incorporati-le usor in amestec. Plasati amestecul intreg in forma de tort, coaceti in cuptor pentru 20-25 minute sau pana incep sa se formeze crapaturi la suprafata prajiturii. Puteti de asemenea incerca propriile variante, cu Porto de exemplu, dar mie imi place combinatia de Amaretto si migdale. Asigurati-va ca s-a racit complet. E chiar mai buna a doua zi. In interior are o consistenta lipicioasa.

Enjoy! xoxo

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