Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Roasted Crispy Duck with Cranberry Sauce

There is something really scary about cooking duck, isn't it? I think it's the 3rd or 4th time we did it, but we are no experts.

The desirable outcome is a crispy skin and really tender meat.

I cooked the duck for 3 hours, i guess it depends on how big the duck is, turning the duck on its belly/ on its back every 45 minutes. You have to cook it in one of those trays that has a grill on top, so that the fat can melt in the tray, but not to come in contact with the duck.

The sauce that i glaze it with was orange and soy sauce based.

We served the duck with potatoes (fried in duck fat, of course) and some cranberry sauce (more like a chutney, that how i like it.

How hard do you find cooking duck?

Rata crocanta la cuptor cu sos de merisoare
E ceva foarte infricosator in a gati rata, nu? E a treia sau a patra oara cand pregatim rata, dar clar nu suntem experti.
Ce ar trebui sa obtii la final e o piele crocanta si o carne foarte frageda.
Am copt rata 3 ore, dar depinde de cat de mare e rata.  Am intors-o de pe fata pe spate la fiecare 45 minute. Ar trebui sa fie gatita intr-o tava care are in gratar deasupra, pentru ca grasimea care se scurge  sa cada in tava, dar sa nu intre in contact cu rata.
Am glazurat-o cu un sos de portocale si sos de soia. Am servit-o cu cartofi (bineinteles. Prajiti in untura de rata) si sos de merisoare (a iesit mai mult un chutney, asa ne place mai mult).
Voua cat de greu vi se pare sa gatiti rata?


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