We grabbed all the essentials: we wanted onions and swiss cheese, then we thought about pickles and hot peppers, but what about some bacon and tomatoes....and we got carried away. We almost forgot about the buns and the meat.
After one and a half hours of work, mostly design, we were pretty happy with the results (tired, but happy).
In the end we had 3 types of hot dogs: a wannabe Chicago style dog (bun + dog + tomato wedges + pickles + mustard + diced onions + hot peppers), a cholesterol-filled one with added bacon and swiss cheese, with the dog grilled, not boiled and finally what I like to call a virgin dog- just mustard and ketchup.
Seara de hot dog
Stiti serile alea cand spui ca nu prea ai chef sa gatesti
nimic complicat? Ne-am gandit doar sa incropim ceva simplu si ne-a venit in
minte sa facem hot dog. Am luat tot ce era esential: am vrut ceapa si branza,
apoi ne-am gandit la muraturi si ardei iute, dar poate merge si niste bacon si
rosii...si ne-a luat valul. Aproape uitasem de chifle si carnati. Dupa o ora si
jumatate de truda, mai mult de aranjare si design, eram multumiti de rezultat
(obositi, dar fericiti). Pana la urma am facut 3 tipuri de hot dog: un fel de
Chicago dog (chifla + crenvurst + felii de rosii + muraturi + mustar + ceapa
tocata + ardei iuti), unul cu mult colesterol cu extra bacon si cascaval si cu
carnatul pe gratar si nu fiert si nu in ultimul rand unul simplu, doar cu
ketchup si mustar. Sa aveti un weekend frumos!
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