Friday, March 29, 2013

Spaghetti Indiavolati Recipe

If you are into the simple kind of pasta dishes, like aglio e olio, you should try this.

It is a less known type of Pasta, using not a sauce, but in which the spaghetti is cooked in the water that has been infused and that creates the taste.

Spaghetti is what you usually use for this recipe, but I tried a new setting of my pasta machine to obtain a smaller width and this is what I got. I think you can say they are Bavettine or Spaghetti alla Chitarra. Both versions sound cool anyway. :)

The recipe for homemade pasta is the same, 1 egg at every 100 g of flour, as mentioned here.

You will need:

2 very hot peppers
4-5 cloves of garlic
some parmesan for grating
parsley or  fresh basil
olive oil

In a blender grind the garlic + hot peppers + 500 ml water. This is the magic infusion.
In a large saucepan bring water to a boil, then add the mixture. Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Transfer the water in a pasta pan, discarding the chillies and garlic. Cook the pasta in the infused water according to the directions.

After the pasta is al dente dress it with olive oil and parmesan. Add chopped fresh herbs for some colour and additional flavour. I added basil, because I love it, I had it and I wouldn't refuse basil on pasta ever.

This is the final dish, with parmesan and basil on top!

RO: Daca de obicei va plac felurile de mancare cu paste foarte simple, cum e aglio e olio, ar trebui sa incercati reteta asta. E un fel mai putin cunoscut pentru ca nu se foloseste un sos, ci spaghetti se fierb direct in apa care a fost infuzata si acest proces creeaza gustul. In mod traditional, se folosesc Spaghetti, dar noi am incercat o alta setare la maisna de facut paste si am obtinut o latime foarte mica, dar nu sunt rotunde evident. Cred ca putem spune ca sunt Bavettine sau Spaghetti ala Chitarra, amandoua suna super oricum! :) reteta pentru paste de casa e aceeasi, mentionata in postul acesta. Mai departe avem nevoie de apa + 2 ardei foarte iuti + 4-5 catei usturoi + parmezan + sare + ulei masline. Intr-un blender mixam usturoiul, ardeii si 500 ml apa. Asta este infuzia magica. Intr-o cratita mare, aduceti niste apa la punctul de fierbere, apoi adaugati apa iute, lasati-o sa fiarba incet fara clocot 10-15 minute apoi transferati apa in oala in care veti fierbe pastele, strecurand ardeiul si usturoiul. Fierbeti pastele al dente conform instructiunilor de pe pachet apoi aranjati-le cu niste ulei de masline si parmezan. Putina verdeata deasupra, pentru culoare si aroma suplimentara. Noi am avut busuioc, daca am busuioc proaspat, il folosesc la orice ora pe paste.

Buon appetito!

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