Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sweet Sunday- Easy Sour Cherry Sponge Cake Recipe ( Chec/ prajitura de visine- cea mai simpla reteta)

I had some frozen fruits in my freezer so I thought I would use them until fresh fruits arrive at the market. I started with the sour cherries.

This recipe is so simple and with guaranteed results. It has 3 ingredients and one rule. Beware, this will involve math: you will need n eggs + n tbsp of flour + nx2 tbsp of sugar (and the cherries, duh!).

For example, I used 4 eggs + 4 tbsp of flour + 8 tbsp of sugar. You don't even need baking powder.

Separate the eggs, beat the yolks with 4 tbsp of sugar and then gradually add the flour. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with the other 4 tbsp of sugar until light, fluffy and stiff. It's better to beat the egg whites on their own and when you're almost done, add the sugar. This will make it easier to beat them well.

Carefully and only using a spatula, incorporate the egg whites in the mixture.  The secret is air. You don't want to beat them when you mix them, or you will lose the light and fluffy texture. Place your dough in a parchment paper lined tray and add the cherries on top. I baked it in a bread tray.

RO: Am mai avut niste fructe de anul trecut prin congelator si am zis sa le folosesc pana nu apar cele proaspete in piata. Am inceput cu visinele. Ca reteta, mai simplu de atat nu se poate. Are 3 ingrediente si putina matematica: cate oua doresti + tot atatea linguri faina + dublu linguri zahar (si visine). Eu am folosit pentru o forma mica de chec 4 oua, 4 lg faina, 8 lg zahar. Separam ouale, batem galbenusul cu jumatate dinzahar si treptat adaugam faina. Intr-un bol separata, batem albusurile cu celelalte 4 lg zahar pana se fac spuma. Mai usor, mai intai batem albusurile pana aproape se intaresc de tot si la final adaugam incet zaharul. Puneti aluatul intr-o tava cu hartie de copt, adaugati ciresele deasupra si coaceti pana cand scobitoarea iese curata.


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