Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Best Buttermilk Pancakes

Hope you are having a great weekend.
We started ours with an American-style breakfast, pancakes.

For us outside US eating these can be quite the experience. I used this amazing recipe and they turned out just perfect. We served them with honey and loads of butter and couldn't resist adding some strawberry jam in the end.

Clatite americane cu lapte batut
Sper ca aveti parte de un weekend minunat.
Nou ne-am inceput weekend-ul cu un mic dejun in stil american, clatite. Pentru cei din afara SUA, prima oara cand incerci sa le faci este o experienta frumoasa. Am folosit reteta din linkul de mai sus, au iesit perfecte. Le-am servit cu miere si muuult unt. Nu am rezistat nici de la niste gem de caspuni deasupra.

Have some fun today!

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