Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Meal - Beef Steak

This weekend we spoiled ourselves with some beef steak, served with the best potatoes: fried  in duck fat.

If you haven't tried it until now, you should, it is delicious. Duck fat was originally used in Europe to make French fries before industrial seed oils came along.

Masa de weekend – Friptura de vita
In acest weekend ne-am rasfatat cu o friptura  de vita cu cartofi prajiti in untura de rata. Daca nu ati incercat pana acum, ar trebui, neaparat, sunt deliciosi asa cartofii. De fapt, grasimea de rata se folosea initial in Europa pentru french cries, inainte sa apara uleiurile fabricate la nivel industrial.

Enjoy! xoxo

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