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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Comfort Food- Baked Potatoes with Bacon and Spinach

In the colder days i love to wash some potatoes and then just put them in the oven. The house smells really cozy and there are so many ways to serve them. You cut them in half and the possibilities are endless. I usually enjoy them with a simple yoghurt sauce ar some smoked salmon, but yesterday i was (like most days) in a bacon mood. 

The spinach was added so i wouldn't feel so guilty about the fried bacon.  Angel or devil? On top i grated some cheese .

Cartofi copti cu bacon si spanac
In zilele mai reci imi place sa spal cativa cartofi si sa ii arunc in cuptor. Casa miroase foarte bine si sunt multe feluri in care ii poti servi mai departe. Il taiem cand sunt gata in jumatati si posibilitatile sunt nelimitate. In general, imi place sa ii mananc su un sos simplu de iaurt sau cu somon afumat, dar ieri am avut pofta de bacon.
Spanacul a fost adaugat mai mult ca sa nu ma simt vinovat pentru baconul prajit. Inger sau demon? Deasupra am ras niste branza.


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