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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Herb Crusted Beef

Mix all the herbs you prefer (parsley, rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper, garlic), pat the herbs on the beef.

In an ovenproof skillet  sear the meat for about 5 minutes until it turns brown on all sides.

Put the skillet in the oven and let the beef roast. Be patient and let it rest for 10 minutes after it is done before slicing it.

Naturally, I chose to eat it with potatoes fried in duck fat. I promise I will be more creative with my side dishes, but this is soooo gooood.

Vita in crusta de ierburi
Amestecati condimentele pe care doriti sa le utilizati (patrunjel, rozmarin, cimbru, sare, piper, usturoi) si inveliti vita in amestec. Intr-o tigaie care poate fi folosita si in cuptor caliti putin carnea pentru 5 minute pana cand isi schimba culoarea pe toate partile. Puneti apoi tigaia in cuptor pana este gata. Fiti rabdatori si lasati-o sa se odihneasca 10 minute dupa ce este gata inainte de a felia-o. Bineinteles, eu am ales sa o servesc cu cartofi prajiti in grasime de rata. Promit sa de acum voi fi mai creativ cu garnitura, dar este pur si simplu, fooooarte bun.


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