One of the most cooked
meals back in my parent’s home was something called “Oriental Salad”, which is
basically potato, pickles and boiled egg salad. Not much of culinary wonder
piece, but, trust me, it would sure hit the spot.
Oh, and by the way, that is
one of the 3 or 4 dishes that my younger sister knows how to cook. So, 4th
of July and everything, I wanted to cook a nice, warm, summer,
potato salad that was both light and flavoursome.

The ingredients are as it
500 grams of boiled new
(red) potatoes- rinse them under cold water then pat them dry with a towel. Do
not peel them, the red skin will bring a gorgeous touch to the dish;
150 grams of bacon, cut into
thin strips
2 chillies, one green and
one red
2 hard boiled eggs, cut into
2 oranges
2 tbs of chopped fennel
2 tbs of chopped parsley
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Start of by cutting the
potatoes into cubes the boil them just until they are cooked enough, but be
careful not to overcook them or they will crumble, keep trying them out.
Meanwhile, fry your bacon strips, leave them to cool off for a minute so you
can handle them, then use a knife to dice the meat into small pieces. Use one
orange for its juice and the other one cut into small cubes. Mix all the
ingredients together, nice and easy, you want to keep everything intact.
Despite the fact that this
recipe had bacon and egg, the end result is a very light and fragrant dish, with a very nice kick from the orange
and the fennel and the awesomeness of bacon (maybe I should trademark that….). You
can pair this dish with a Bordeaux style rose (made from a cabernet or merlot
grape) or with a light, young red. We had a 2009 Portuguese red made in the
same region as the Port wine (Douro) that really went well with the salad.
By the way, I also tried to
add some yogurt and Kalamata olives to the dish, it works just great, but I
wanted the potatoes to not be covered in the pictures, I just loved that red
In casa parintilor mei una dintre cele mai des pregatite feluri de mancare era salata orientala, practic cartofi fierti, muraturi si oua fierte. Nu e chiar cea mai tare inovatie culinara, dar cateodata era exact ce iti lipsea. Ah, si sa nu uit, asta este si una dintre cele 3-4 feluri de mancare pe care chiar si sora mea stie sa le faca. Deci, cu 4 iulie in gand, am vrut sa pregatesc o salata calda, de vara, care sa fie si usoara dar si plina de arome. Am folosit: 500g of cartofi rosii noi fierti pe care am pastrat coaja,150g bacon, fasii subtiri, 2 ardei iuti, unul rosu, unul negru, 2 oua fierte tari, 2 portocale, 2 lgite frunze de fenicul, 2 lgite patrunjel tocat, ulei de masline, sare si piper. Cartofii se taie in cuburi destul de mari si se fierb mai tari. In timp ce se fierbi cartofii, se prajeste putin baconul si se lasa la racit, o portocala se stoarce si se pastreaza sucul, iar cealalta se taie cuburi. Amestecati ingredientele cu atentie pe farfurie, adaugati si ierburile. Chiar daca contine cartofi si bacon, preparatul este foarte usor si proaspat, feniculul si portocala merge foarte bine cu minunatia de bacon. Puteti servi salata cu un roze sau cu un rosu tanar si light. Noi am ales un rosu portughez 2009 cu un nume interesant (vezi poza) , care se face in aceeasi regiune ca si Porto. Am incercat sa adaugam si putin iaurt si masline kalamata, se potriveste bine, dar nu am vrut sa acopar cartofii in poza, imi place la nebunie coaja lor rosie.
Mr. G.
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