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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Homemade Pizza - Quatro Formaggi

Apparently, I did this. I cheated a bit, the dough was bought from a pizza place.

I actually was in the mood for cheese. I did not have a special pizza baking tray, so i used  the bottom of a cake form.

On top of the dough some seasoned tomato sauce, 4 kinds of cheese (try to keep it Italian as much as possible), mozarella on top (had to have it) and rucola.

On some slices i also gave spinach a chance, it was really special, but i would save some cheese to put on top of it to prevent burnt greens.

It did not take me a lot more time that delivery would had. It was awesome, will be doing it again!

Pizza facuta in casa- Quattro Formaggi
Am facut-o si pe asta! Am trisat putin, am cumparat aluatul de la pizzeria noastra favorita de cartier. 
De fapt, aveam pofta de branzeturi. Nu am avut o tava speciala de pizza, asa ca am folosit fundul detasabil al unei tavi de tort. Peste aluat am pus niste sos de rosii condimentat, 4 feluri de branza (am incercat sa alegem 4 feluri italiene), mozarella si rucola. Pe unele felii am adaugat si spanac, a avut un gust foarte deosebit, insa data viitoare il vom pune printre branza, ca sa nu se arda.
 Nu a durat cu mult mai mult decat o comanda de pizza ar fi durat. Ne-a placut, o sa repetam experienta.

Buon appetito!

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