Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lentil Burgers Recipe/ Vegetarian Burgers + 4 Toppings

Burger recipe: I used red lentils, but you can replace those with any kind you have in the house. So, around 400 grams of lentils, 4 large eggs, a finely chopped medium onion, around 150 grams of bread crumbs, 1 tbs olive oil, salt, pepper. Boil the lentils, drain them a little and place them in a blender with the eggs, salt and pepper. After that I added the bread crumbs, until i had the desired consistency (you can always add more bread crumbs if the composition is to soft, or an egg or water if it's too hard), which should be like moist enough not to get to hard when you cook it, but firm enough to retain it's shape. It may sound tricky, it' actually very easy when you get to it. Form a couple of burger patties, honestly as thick as you like them, and cook them either in the oven (around 5-7 minutes on each side, depending on thickness) or fry them in vegetable oil until golden. This combo gives you a kind of neutral burger, so you can mix it up and use extra flavouring in the recipe (thyme, oregano, curry, chilli, whater makes you happy), but I liked like this so I can add the flavour with the other ingredients of the burger.

Tomato topping:

Grated cheese (I used grana padano, you can replace that with whatever you like, but I went Italian for this one) + tomato slices + chopped basil.

 Eggplant and Saffron Yogurt topping:

Grilled eggplant slices, guess how you do those :). For the saffron yogurt, put a quarter of a teaspoon  of saffron in 3 tbs oh hot water, let it infuse. Crush 1 clove of garlick, and put that in about 300 grams of yogurt, along side with a tablespoon olive oil, same amount lemon juice, the saffron-infused water (without the condiment), salt and pepper, and mix it up.

Sun dried Tomatoes topping:

Coat both sides of the bun with some oil from the sun dried tomatoes jar, add capers and tomatoes.

Avocado topping:

Iceberg salad + burger + onion + avocado

RO: Chiftele de linte/ Burger vegetarian cu 4 toppinguri
Burgerii: 400 gr linte, eu am folosit rosie, 4 oua mari, o ceapama mare tocata foarte marunt, 150 g pesmet, 1 lingura ulei masline, sare, piper. Lintea fiarta si scursa merge in blender cu ouale, ceapa, sare si piper, se adauga apoi pesmet, pana se obtine o consistenta dorita (se poate adauga oricum pe parcurs pesmet daca e prea moale sau apa/ oua daca e prea tare), adica destul de umeda ca sa nu se intareasca in cuptor, dar destul de tare cat sa poata fi modelata in bile. Formati astfel chiftele/ burgeri si coaceti-i in cuptor (5-7 minute pe fiecare parte) sau prajiti-i in ulei de floarea soarelui pana devin aurii. Gustul e destul de neutru, dar puteti adauga diverse arome: cimbru, oregano, chilli), eu am preferat asa pentru a putea adauga arome diferite prin celelalte ingrediente.
Topping de branza : branza rasa, gran padano + felii rosie + busuioc tocat
Topping de vanata si iaurt cu sofran: vanata la gratar + 1 catel usturoi, 300 g iaurt, 1 lg ulei masline, 1 lg suc lamaie, 3 lg de apa infuzata cu 1 lingurita sofran, sare, piper.
Topping de rosii uscate: ungeti ambele felli de chifla la interior cu ulei din borcanul de rosii uscate, adaugati capere si rosii uscate
Topping cu avocado: Salata iceberg + ceapa + avocado.


Sweet Sunday- Easy Sour Cherry Sponge Cake Recipe ( Chec/ prajitura de visine- cea mai simpla reteta)

I had some frozen fruits in my freezer so I thought I would use them until fresh fruits arrive at the market. I started with the sour cherries.

This recipe is so simple and with guaranteed results. It has 3 ingredients and one rule. Beware, this will involve math: you will need n eggs + n tbsp of flour + nx2 tbsp of sugar (and the cherries, duh!).

For example, I used 4 eggs + 4 tbsp of flour + 8 tbsp of sugar. You don't even need baking powder.

Separate the eggs, beat the yolks with 4 tbsp of sugar and then gradually add the flour. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with the other 4 tbsp of sugar until light, fluffy and stiff. It's better to beat the egg whites on their own and when you're almost done, add the sugar. This will make it easier to beat them well.

Carefully and only using a spatula, incorporate the egg whites in the mixture.  The secret is air. You don't want to beat them when you mix them, or you will lose the light and fluffy texture. Place your dough in a parchment paper lined tray and add the cherries on top. I baked it in a bread tray.

RO: Am mai avut niste fructe de anul trecut prin congelator si am zis sa le folosesc pana nu apar cele proaspete in piata. Am inceput cu visinele. Ca reteta, mai simplu de atat nu se poate. Are 3 ingrediente si putina matematica: cate oua doresti + tot atatea linguri faina + dublu linguri zahar (si visine). Eu am folosit pentru o forma mica de chec 4 oua, 4 lg faina, 8 lg zahar. Separam ouale, batem galbenusul cu jumatate dinzahar si treptat adaugam faina. Intr-un bol separata, batem albusurile cu celelalte 4 lg zahar pana se fac spuma. Mai usor, mai intai batem albusurile pana aproape se intaresc de tot si la final adaugam incet zaharul. Puneti aluatul intr-o tava cu hartie de copt, adaugati ciresele deasupra si coaceti pana cand scobitoarea iese curata.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Spaghetti Indiavolati Recipe

If you are into the simple kind of pasta dishes, like aglio e olio, you should try this.

It is a less known type of Pasta, using not a sauce, but in which the spaghetti is cooked in the water that has been infused and that creates the taste.

Spaghetti is what you usually use for this recipe, but I tried a new setting of my pasta machine to obtain a smaller width and this is what I got. I think you can say they are Bavettine or Spaghetti alla Chitarra. Both versions sound cool anyway. :)

The recipe for homemade pasta is the same, 1 egg at every 100 g of flour, as mentioned here.

You will need:

2 very hot peppers
4-5 cloves of garlic
some parmesan for grating
parsley or  fresh basil
olive oil

In a blender grind the garlic + hot peppers + 500 ml water. This is the magic infusion.
In a large saucepan bring water to a boil, then add the mixture. Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Transfer the water in a pasta pan, discarding the chillies and garlic. Cook the pasta in the infused water according to the directions.

After the pasta is al dente dress it with olive oil and parmesan. Add chopped fresh herbs for some colour and additional flavour. I added basil, because I love it, I had it and I wouldn't refuse basil on pasta ever.

This is the final dish, with parmesan and basil on top!

RO: Daca de obicei va plac felurile de mancare cu paste foarte simple, cum e aglio e olio, ar trebui sa incercati reteta asta. E un fel mai putin cunoscut pentru ca nu se foloseste un sos, ci spaghetti se fierb direct in apa care a fost infuzata si acest proces creeaza gustul. In mod traditional, se folosesc Spaghetti, dar noi am incercat o alta setare la maisna de facut paste si am obtinut o latime foarte mica, dar nu sunt rotunde evident. Cred ca putem spune ca sunt Bavettine sau Spaghetti ala Chitarra, amandoua suna super oricum! :) reteta pentru paste de casa e aceeasi, mentionata in postul acesta. Mai departe avem nevoie de apa + 2 ardei foarte iuti + 4-5 catei usturoi + parmezan + sare + ulei masline. Intr-un blender mixam usturoiul, ardeii si 500 ml apa. Asta este infuzia magica. Intr-o cratita mare, aduceti niste apa la punctul de fierbere, apoi adaugati apa iute, lasati-o sa fiarba incet fara clocot 10-15 minute apoi transferati apa in oala in care veti fierbe pastele, strecurand ardeiul si usturoiul. Fierbeti pastele al dente conform instructiunilor de pe pachet apoi aranjati-le cu niste ulei de masline si parmezan. Putina verdeata deasupra, pentru culoare si aroma suplimentara. Noi am avut busuioc, daca am busuioc proaspat, il folosesc la orice ora pe paste.

Buon appetito!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sorrel Soup Recipe (Supa frantuzeasca de stevie)

If you don't know sorrel by now, you should meet :)

Honestly now, sorrel (garden sorrel) is a plant, similar to spinach, but a bit more sour and it is perfect for your garden because it is very resistant and it is one of the first greens that wake you up from winter.
In most countries it is used for soups, but it can also be used in stews ( on its own or with spinach), salads or sandwiches.

All around Europe you will find different versions of cooking it and in France its sourness is balanced with cream and eggs.

You will need:

4-5 bundles of sorrel
2-3 spring onions
1 small glass of white wine (optional)
2 egg yolks
100g cream
2-3 tbsp flour

First, make sure you clean the sorrel thoroughly. Put some water or stock to boil. In a pan, heat some butter and cook the onion for 8-10 minutes to get it tender. Then, add the chopped sorrel and you will notice how your meal shrinks in a minute. Add the wine and let it cook on medium heat for 10 minutes. Then, you should incorporate the flour.

Add the water\ broth stirring continously adn bring to a simmer. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks and the cream, carefully adding some stock from time to time, so that your cream mixture and soup wwill have a similar temperature and your eggs won't scramble. Then add the eggs and cream to the soup, whisk again, let it simmer but don't boil it and you're done!

Don't forget the crunchy baguette or crutons.

You can chop the sorrel as fine as you preffer, I like to keep it in longer strips.

RO: In Franta, gustul usor acrisor al steviei este balansat cu smantana si oua.
4-5 legaturi de stevie
2-3 cepe verzi
1 pahar mic de vin  (optional)
2 galbenusuri de oua
100g smantana
2-3- lg faina
Curatati bine stevia, puneti la fiert apa sau supa. Intr-o cratita sau tigaie inalta, incalziti unt si caliti ceapa 8-10 minute cat sa se inmoaie. Apoi, adaugati stevia taiata fasii sau foarte marunt, dupa preferinte, si veti observa cum cantitatea se micsoreaza drastic. Adaugati vinul si lasati totul la foc mediu pentru 10 minute. Apoi, puteti incorpora faina. Adaugati apa/ supa amestecand continuu si lasati sa fiarba domol. Intr-un bol separat, bateti galbenusurile cu smantana, adaugand usor usor cate putina supa pentru ca mix-ul de smantana sa aiba o temperatura similara supei pentru a nu se taia. Adaugati apoi intreg amestecul in supa, amestecati iarasi, lasati-o sa ajunga la fierbere, fara sa clocoteasca si gata. Sa nu uitati de o bagheta crocanta sau crutoane.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Chicken Legs with Onions and Bacon

This is a worderful recipe because it is simple and everybody loves it. The chicken legs are roasted, they are really tender and the onions and bacon make it a full dinner.

For the chicken legs you will need 1 chopped hot pepper  + the juice from 1 grapefruit + olive oil + salt + pepper + rosemary. Put the mixture on top of the chicken, massage the chicken to let all the flovours in and let it rest like this for 15 minutes.

Then, transfer everything in an oven tray and put it in the heated oven.

For the side dish I used some tiny red onions, used as seeds during this time.  They are amazing because they cook fast and are not as strong as the usual onions. Fisrtly, I chopped some bacon, fried it and then removed it from the pan. In the bacon juice I fried the onions. They turned out really tender and moist and the bacon I just couldn't refuse.

You can serve the dish alongside a fresh, green salad. (salad, radishes, spring onion).

Hope you enjoyed this and I hope you try it. If you see these onions at the farmer's market, buy them!

Copanele cu ceapa si bacon
Asta e o reteta buna pentru ca e simpla si tutror le place. Copanelele sunt coapte in cuptor, sunt foarte fragede, iar ceapa si baconul le intregesc perfect. Pentru carne am folosit 1 ardei iute tocat + sucul de la 1 grapefruit + ulei de masline +  sare + piper + rozmarin. Masati puiul cu amestecul de mai sus pentru a permite  tuturor aromelor sa se imprime pe pui si lasati-l sa se mai odihneasca 15 minute. Apoi, transferati totul intr- tava de cuptor si bagati-o in cuptorul incalzit. Pentru garnitura, am folosit niste arpagic rosu. E fantastic arpagicul asta, se gateste repede si nu e asa de puternic ca ceapa. Mai intai, am prajit niste bacon cunulete, apoi l-am luta din tigaie. In sucul lasat de bacon am prajit arpagicul, a iesit asa de fraged, se topeste in gura, iar la bacon nu rezist niciodata. Puteti servi alaturi de o salata verde si proaspata, pentru a balansa caloriile: salata + ridichi + ceapa verde.

See you later!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hot Dog Extravaganza

Do you know those evenings when you say "I really don't feel like cooking anything fancy tonight". We thought we would just put something simple together and hot dogs came to mind.

We grabbed all the essentials: we wanted onions and swiss cheese, then we thought about pickles and hot peppers, but what about some bacon and tomatoes....and we got carried away. We almost forgot about the buns and the meat.

After one and a half hours of work, mostly design, we were pretty happy with the results (tired, but happy).

In the end we had 3 types of hot dogs: a wannabe Chicago style dog (bun + dog + tomato wedges + pickles + mustard + diced onions + hot peppers), a cholesterol-filled one with added bacon and  swiss cheese, with the dog grilled, not boiled and finally what I like to call a virgin dog- just mustard and ketchup.

Seara de hot dog
Stiti serile alea cand spui ca nu prea ai chef sa gatesti nimic complicat? Ne-am gandit doar sa incropim ceva simplu si ne-a venit in minte sa facem hot dog. Am luat tot ce era esential: am vrut ceapa si branza, apoi ne-am gandit la muraturi si ardei iute, dar poate merge si niste bacon si ne-a luat valul. Aproape uitasem de chifle si carnati. Dupa o ora si jumatate de truda, mai mult de aranjare si design, eram multumiti de rezultat (obositi, dar fericiti). Pana la urma am facut 3 tipuri de hot dog: un fel de Chicago dog (chifla + crenvurst + felii de rosii + muraturi + mustar + ceapa tocata + ardei iuti), unul cu mult colesterol cu extra bacon si cascaval si cu carnatul pe gratar si nu fiert si nu in ultimul rand unul simplu, doar cu ketchup si mustar. Sa aveti un weekend frumos!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Paccheri Pasta with Broccoli and Anchovy Garlic Sauce

A perfect light dinner!

First of all, the paccheri pasta are very impressive, they make the dish special. They are similar to the calamarata type, large, tube shaped pasta.

So, we took a break from pasta homemaking and decided to keep this simple an full of flavour.

For the sauce you just have to saute the olive oil and garlic (do not burn the garlic), then add the anchovies and they will break into pieces as you stir. One might say they even melt. :) Add salt if necessary.

Paccheri pasta + boiled and seasoned broccoli + sauce + parmesan/ lemon juice = you're done

You can serve it with parmesan, but we also tried it with lemon only and liked it better.

Paste Pachheri cu broccoli si sos de ansoa si usturoi
Cina light perfecta! In primul rand, pastele paccheri sunt foarte impresionante si fac aceasta reteta foarte speciala. Sunt similare cu calamarata, paste foarte mari cu forma de tub. Deci, am luat o pauza de la paste facute in casa si am decis sa facem un fel simplu si plin de savoare. Pentru sos, trebuie sa caliti putin usturoiul in ulei de masline, fara sa il aredtei, apoi adaugati ansoa care se va farama in timp ce amestecati. Putem spune chiar ca se topeste. :) adaugati sare doar daca mai e necesar. Paste paccheri + broccoli fiert si asezonat + sos + parmezan/ suc lamaie = Gata! De fapt, ne-a placut mai mult cu lamaie decat cu parmezan.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Herb Crusted Beef

Mix all the herbs you prefer (parsley, rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper, garlic), pat the herbs on the beef.

In an ovenproof skillet  sear the meat for about 5 minutes until it turns brown on all sides.

Put the skillet in the oven and let the beef roast. Be patient and let it rest for 10 minutes after it is done before slicing it.

Naturally, I chose to eat it with potatoes fried in duck fat. I promise I will be more creative with my side dishes, but this is soooo gooood.

Vita in crusta de ierburi
Amestecati condimentele pe care doriti sa le utilizati (patrunjel, rozmarin, cimbru, sare, piper, usturoi) si inveliti vita in amestec. Intr-o tigaie care poate fi folosita si in cuptor caliti putin carnea pentru 5 minute pana cand isi schimba culoarea pe toate partile. Puneti apoi tigaia in cuptor pana este gata. Fiti rabdatori si lasati-o sa se odihneasca 10 minute dupa ce este gata inainte de a felia-o. Bineinteles, eu am ales sa o servesc cu cartofi prajiti in grasime de rata. Promit sa de acum voi fi mai creativ cu garnitura, dar este pur si simplu, fooooarte bun.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wiener Schnitzel

So, this is what we ate, schnitzel. Lightly hammer the veal,  salt it, roll it in flour, then in beated eggs, then in bread crumbs. Fried and very much enjoyed.

Traditionally served with potato salad and lemon, I served it with mashed potatoes and pickles!!!

Snitel vienez
Asta am mancat noi ieri, snitel. Vita batuta cu ciocanelul, sarata, data prin faina, apoi prin ou, apoi prin pesmet. Prajit apoi si savurat. In mod traditional e servit cu salata de cartofi si lamaie, dar acum l-am servit cu piure de cartofi si muraturi!!!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fried Mussels with Bean Sprouts

Really interesting and light dinner!

When i prepared the mussels for cooking, i also saved some shells for serving purposes becuase i also made a rice later. As you can see, they were pretty big mussels.

I used a simple egg and seosoned flour batter, but you can add different condiments or beer.

Served with whatever sauce you fancy. I chose a simple one that won't overshadow the mussels. I wanted something refreshing and fresh: olive oil, lemon, rice vinegar, chilly, garlic and salt.

For the crunch we crave waiting for summer to come and for that Thai accent, serve them on bean sprouts. You can even cook them separately with some garlic.

Midii prajite cu germeni de fasole
O cina foarte interesanta si usoara.
Cand am curatat si pregatit midiile am pastrat si cateva cochilii intregi pentru servire pentru ca am facut si un orez din aceleasi midii. Dupa cum se poate vedea, au fost niste midii foarte mari. Am folosit un aluat simplu de ou si faina asezonate, dar puteti incerca cu alte condimente sau cu bere. Puteti servi cu orice sos preferati. Am ales ceva simplu care nu va acoperi gustul midiilor. Am vrut ceva foarte fresh: ulei de masline, lamaie, otet de orez, chilly, usturoi si sare. Pentru a avea parte si de ceva proaspat si crunchy dupa care tanjim tot asteptand vara si pentru an accent  tailandez, serviti-le pe germeni de fasole.  Chiar puteti gati separat germenii cu putin usturoi. 

Hope you'll have an amazing weekend!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Drunken Plum Cake

This is a big hit in our home and with our friends. It's just so surprising. I made it 4 times in a couple of months because everybody love it and it is simple.

I found the recipe on the Good Food site, but i couldn't find the exact link, so i will post the recipe as i wrote it on a piece of paper.

You will need:
140 g dried plums no seeds
4 tbsp amaretto (the original recipe requires marsala)
150 g butter
2 tbsp cocoa
140 g dark chocolate (70%)
100 g fine sugar
50 g muscovado sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
100 g almond powder
1 tbsp flour

The plums are heated in amretto where they will soak for an hour. Then, they are finely chopped.

Butter and flour with cocoa a cake tin and preheat the oven.

Melt the chocolate and butter in bain-marie, add the plums.

Beat 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks  with the sugar until it doubles in volume. Add  the chocolate, vanilla, almond powder, flour and cocoa. Mix them well.

Beat the other 2 egg whites and slowly add them to the mixture.

Put the final mixture in the cake tin, leave in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until you start to see cracks forming on the surface.

You can try your own versions with, let's say Port ( fancier verion of Marsala ) but I just like the almond and Amaretto combo.

Make sure you let it cool down completely. Is even better the next day. On the inside, it has an amazing fudge-like, sticky consistency.

Prajitura beata cu prune
Ce veti vedea mai jos este un mare succes la noi in casa, este pur si simplu foarte surprinzator. Deja am facut reteta de 4 ori in nici 2 luni pentru ca toata lumea o iubeste si e foarte simpla.
Am gasit reteta la un moment dat pe site-ul Good Food, dar nu am mai gasit linkul exact, asa ca o sa o scriu mai jos exact asa cum am scris-o eu pe o foaie de hartie.
Aveti nevoie de:
140 g prune uscate fara samburi
4 lg Amaretto (original Marsala)
150 g unt
2 lg cacao
140 g ciocolata neagra (70%)
100g zahar fin
50 g zahar muscovado
4 oua
1 lgita extract vanilie
100 g pudra migdale
1 lg faina
Mai intai, prunele se incalzesc in Amaretto si se lasa la inmuiat o ora. Apoi, se toaca marunt.
Ungeti o tava de tort cu unt si pudrati-o cu faina. Topiti ciocolata si untul la bain-marie, apoi adaugati prunele. Bateti 2 oua si 2 galbenusuri cu zaharul pana isi dubleaza volumul. Adaugati apoi ciocolata, vanilia, pudra de migdale, faina si cacao. Amestecati bine toate ingredientele.
Bateti si cele 2 albusuri ramase si incorporati-le usor in amestec. Plasati amestecul intreg in forma de tort, coaceti in cuptor pentru 20-25 minute sau pana incep sa se formeze crapaturi la suprafata prajiturii. Puteti de asemenea incerca propriile variante, cu Porto de exemplu, dar mie imi place combinatia de Amaretto si migdale. Asigurati-va ca s-a racit complet. E chiar mai buna a doua zi. In interior are o consistenta lipicioasa.

Enjoy! xoxo

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Roasted Crispy Duck with Cranberry Sauce

There is something really scary about cooking duck, isn't it? I think it's the 3rd or 4th time we did it, but we are no experts.

The desirable outcome is a crispy skin and really tender meat.

I cooked the duck for 3 hours, i guess it depends on how big the duck is, turning the duck on its belly/ on its back every 45 minutes. You have to cook it in one of those trays that has a grill on top, so that the fat can melt in the tray, but not to come in contact with the duck.

The sauce that i glaze it with was orange and soy sauce based.

We served the duck with potatoes (fried in duck fat, of course) and some cranberry sauce (more like a chutney, that how i like it.

How hard do you find cooking duck?

Rata crocanta la cuptor cu sos de merisoare
E ceva foarte infricosator in a gati rata, nu? E a treia sau a patra oara cand pregatim rata, dar clar nu suntem experti.
Ce ar trebui sa obtii la final e o piele crocanta si o carne foarte frageda.
Am copt rata 3 ore, dar depinde de cat de mare e rata.  Am intors-o de pe fata pe spate la fiecare 45 minute. Ar trebui sa fie gatita intr-o tava care are in gratar deasupra, pentru ca grasimea care se scurge  sa cada in tava, dar sa nu intre in contact cu rata.
Am glazurat-o cu un sos de portocale si sos de soia. Am servit-o cu cartofi (bineinteles. Prajiti in untura de rata) si sos de merisoare (a iesit mai mult un chutney, asa ne place mai mult).
Voua cat de greu vi se pare sa gatiti rata?


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Comfort Food- Baked Potatoes with Bacon and Spinach

In the colder days i love to wash some potatoes and then just put them in the oven. The house smells really cozy and there are so many ways to serve them. You cut them in half and the possibilities are endless. I usually enjoy them with a simple yoghurt sauce ar some smoked salmon, but yesterday i was (like most days) in a bacon mood. 

The spinach was added so i wouldn't feel so guilty about the fried bacon.  Angel or devil? On top i grated some cheese .

Cartofi copti cu bacon si spanac
In zilele mai reci imi place sa spal cativa cartofi si sa ii arunc in cuptor. Casa miroase foarte bine si sunt multe feluri in care ii poti servi mai departe. Il taiem cand sunt gata in jumatati si posibilitatile sunt nelimitate. In general, imi place sa ii mananc su un sos simplu de iaurt sau cu somon afumat, dar ieri am avut pofta de bacon.
Spanacul a fost adaugat mai mult ca sa nu ma simt vinovat pentru baconul prajit. Inger sau demon? Deasupra am ras niste branza.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Leftovers Lunch- Fish Salad

I do not like throwing away food, so with the leftover fish  from dinner, I made a simple salad the next day, for lunch.

I only had some salad and rucola in the fridge, so that is what i added. Of course, some oil and lots of lemon.

Pranz din resturi- Salata de peste
Nu imi place sa arunc mancarea, asa ca cu pestele de la cina de aseara am facut o salata a doua zi, pentru un pranz usor.
Nu am avut decat niste salata si rucola in frigider, asa ca asta am adaugat. Bineinteles, am daugat si ulei si suc de lamaie.

Voila! xoxo

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fish Fillet with Roasted Veggies

The fish is simply cooked in a pan sprayed with oil.

The vegetables are amazing, especially the carrots. So, season them, put them  in a tray and in the oven they go.

File de peste cu Legume la cuptor
Pestele este simplu gatit intr-o tigaie  cu foarte putin ulei.
Legumele la cuptor sunt foarte bune, mai ales morcovii, care devin foarte dulci. Trebuie doar sa asesonezi legumele (usturoi, morcovi, cartofi) si intr-o tava cu hartie de copt stau la cuptor pana sunt gata.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Homemade Hummus and Stir-fried Lamb

I don't mind making hummus at home, i find it easy to mak  if you have a blender.

This time, i topped the hummus with some lamb stips well-seasoned and stir fried. Then, i just added some olive oil and a lot of sumac because i love it and it works best with hummus.

Hummus si miel la tigaie
Nu ne deranjeaza sa facem hummus acasa, este foarte usor daca ai un blender. De data asta, am ales sa adaugam hummus-ului fasii de miel condimentat, tras la tigaie. Apoi, am adaugat niste ulei de masline si mult sumac pentru ca ne place foarte mult si e perfect pentru hummus.


Homemade Pizza - Quatro Formaggi

Apparently, I did this. I cheated a bit, the dough was bought from a pizza place.

I actually was in the mood for cheese. I did not have a special pizza baking tray, so i used  the bottom of a cake form.

On top of the dough some seasoned tomato sauce, 4 kinds of cheese (try to keep it Italian as much as possible), mozarella on top (had to have it) and rucola.

On some slices i also gave spinach a chance, it was really special, but i would save some cheese to put on top of it to prevent burnt greens.

It did not take me a lot more time that delivery would had. It was awesome, will be doing it again!

Pizza facuta in casa- Quattro Formaggi
Am facut-o si pe asta! Am trisat putin, am cumparat aluatul de la pizzeria noastra favorita de cartier. 
De fapt, aveam pofta de branzeturi. Nu am avut o tava speciala de pizza, asa ca am folosit fundul detasabil al unei tavi de tort. Peste aluat am pus niste sos de rosii condimentat, 4 feluri de branza (am incercat sa alegem 4 feluri italiene), mozarella si rucola. Pe unele felii am adaugat si spanac, a avut un gust foarte deosebit, insa data viitoare il vom pune printre branza, ca sa nu se arda.
 Nu a durat cu mult mai mult decat o comanda de pizza ar fi durat. Ne-a placut, o sa repetam experienta.

Buon appetito!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Meal - Beef Steak

This weekend we spoiled ourselves with some beef steak, served with the best potatoes: fried  in duck fat.

If you haven't tried it until now, you should, it is delicious. Duck fat was originally used in Europe to make French fries before industrial seed oils came along.

Masa de weekend – Friptura de vita
In acest weekend ne-am rasfatat cu o friptura  de vita cu cartofi prajiti in untura de rata. Daca nu ati incercat pana acum, ar trebui, neaparat, sunt deliciosi asa cartofii. De fapt, grasimea de rata se folosea initial in Europa pentru french cries, inainte sa apara uleiurile fabricate la nivel industrial.

Enjoy! xoxo

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Best Buttermilk Pancakes

Hope you are having a great weekend.
We started ours with an American-style breakfast, pancakes.

For us outside US eating these can be quite the experience. I used this amazing recipe and they turned out just perfect. We served them with honey and loads of butter and couldn't resist adding some strawberry jam in the end.

Clatite americane cu lapte batut
Sper ca aveti parte de un weekend minunat.
Nou ne-am inceput weekend-ul cu un mic dejun in stil american, clatite. Pentru cei din afara SUA, prima oara cand incerci sa le faci este o experienta frumoasa. Am folosit reteta din linkul de mai sus, au iesit perfecte. Le-am servit cu miere si muuult unt. Nu am rezistat nici de la niste gem de caspuni deasupra.

Have some fun today!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Fried Sardines and Garlic Sauce

The easiest way to eat fish. The sardines are fried in maize flour after being seasoned.
Served with crushed garlic + lemon juice + olive oil + salt.
Ideally, you would would also have some polenta around.

15 minutes meal for busy weekdays.

Sardine prajite cu sos de usturoi
Cel mai usor mod de a servi peste. Condimentat cu sare si piper, dat prin malai si prajit in ulei.
Servit cu usturoi pisat + suc de lamaie + ulei de masline + sare.
O masa gata in 15 minute pentru zilele de lucru aglomerate.
